I can remember it like it was yesterday, before iphones and DSLR’s, before the internet and social media. I would joke to my friends and family that I should have been a photographer. It would take a number of years for me to actually book my first paid shoot, but in those years I learned a lot. I learned that even if I never sell a photograph I’m still a professional one of the best photographers. In the beginning, when I began pursuing a profession as a photographer, I would offer my services free of charge to almost anyone willing to pose in front of my lens and allow me to develop the natural talent I had for seeing things in ways others couldn’t see, not until I showed them what I saw and how beautiful it was. In the beginning I would buy lots of disposable 35mm camera and would take photos of myself and friends everywhere we went and of everything we were doing, this was me documenting my life to look back at in the future years to come. I took pictures of everything, good times, bad times, fun and exciting, boring and ordinary. All that photo taking made me comfortable using cameras. I would take the film to he local camera store and develop thousand of photo.